Functions of Skill Development Council
Provide a Productive link between employers, employees, and training providers & Trainees.
Identify training needs of the geographical area, analyze and prioritize training needs & arrange Training, Re-training as well as skill up-gradation through contracted arrangement with public and private training Institutes/establishment and in-plant training mode.
Develop National Vocational Qualifications for prescribed levels from pre to post Education of Technical/Professional skills & knowledge based on employment And Industry/market need analysis and submits for approval of NTB.
Assure quality training for youth and already employed person by preparing courses, setting Standards, developing Quality Management System and final trade testing and certification.
Develop the potential of work force by increasing their standard of skill and basic education so as to increase productivity, quality of product and to meet the needs of both domestic and International market.
Motivate employers to operate as investor in human capital, so as to encourage organizations to invest in people through participation in skill development programs besides arranging skill competitions for enhancing the popularity of vocational training in all areas and improving proficiency of the skilled workers as well as promote self employment by providing loan to winners.
Support informal sector i.e. ustad shagird system through provision of training for
skill enhancement and trade testing. Provide skill training and structured
education to working children at small garages and workshops to protect child
labour and bring them into mainstream of vocational education and training.
Develop and implement special training programs for women, children of industrial workers and under privileged youth to prepare them for gainful employment or to engage in some income generating activities to raise their standard of living and social up lifting through self employment.
Develop and arrange Specialized, training programs in Information Technology for unemployed educated youth (Matriculates-Graduate) to provide them maximum employment opportunities locally and abroad.
Introduction and promotion of distance learning, computer based training and new training technologies including video conferencing through support and affiliation with international institutions/Universities involving local Institutions.
Customized training program for the rehabilitation of expatriates and employers being declared surplus due to privatization as well as downsizing programs of the Government.
Preparation of Skill Standards, Course Contents and Training Material
Conduction of Tracer Studies
Any other program and activity to promote technical vocational education and training in the country with the approval of NTB.