The Office of SDC, Islamabad has shifted from 01-12-2008 to
House # 107, Street – 8,
F-11/1, Islamabad
Daily Ousaf, Daily Al-Akhbar, News Mart
Friday 29 June, 2012
The 2nd Meeting of the TVET Accreditation & Quality Evaluation Committee (TA&QEC) was held in Committee Room of NAVTTC HQs, Islamabad and was chaired by Mr. Niaz Muhammad Khan acting director general (A&C), NAVTTC. The following agenda items were discussed and decisions were taken as indicated against the respective items in the following table;
- Status update. (Presentation by Acting D.G , A&C)
- Discussion on Accreditation reports (Reflection of 14 visited institutes through evaluation report synopsis)
- Decision on “Award of Accreditation” to the qualifying TVETT institutes.
- Grading policy
- Accreditation Fee Structure
- Establishment of National Technical & Vocational Training Accreditation Council (NTVTAC)
Daily Ousaf
Sunday 20 May, 2012
Mian Akram Frid (Chairman Skill Development Council, Islamabad) meeting with Ministry of Professional and Technical Training. Chuodhry Qamar Zaman discussion with provincial stack holders on curriculum development and accreditation issues pertaining to TVET sector.
The News
Saturday 17 March, 2012
TEVT reform plan discussed
A delegation of Skill Development Council (SDC), Islamabad, led by its chairman Mian Akram Farid, discussed the TEVT programme with Federal Secretary P&TT Qamar Zaman Chaudhary, says a press release.
Mian Akram Farid accompanied by Afzal Malik (board member) and Muhammad Riaz, CEO, visited the Ministry of Professional & Technical Training and discussed different issues being faced by the council with federal secretary P&TT.
Farid presented the annual report of the council along with a request letter for allotment of plot for the Skill Development Council, Islamabad. Qamar Zaman briefly explained the purpose of establishment of P&TT and discussed the future plans regarding TEVT reform programme. He appreciated the council for training needs of the country.
The News
December 20, 2009
SDC offers new courses
Skill Development Council, (SDC), Government of Pakistan, has unveiled an important training programme to meet the ever-growing need of the country, according to a press release.
The courses include Modern Secretarial & Office Management Techniques from December 12 to February 1, Professional Photographer from December 24 to January , 30, and 3D Studio Max & Adobe Photoshop from December 24 to January 30.
Pakistan Observer
December 10, 2009
SDC activities in 2010
ISLAMABAD—Skill Development Council (SDC) has prepared a roadmap of its activities for 2010. This was revealed by Imtiaz Rastgar, Chairman, SDC, here Wednesday, while inaugurating a training course.
He said that it meets the special needs of the industry, students and house wives. The majority of training courses are on IT as this sector has emerged as engine of economic development at global level, he said. Chairman added that housewives can play a crucial role in the economic development of the country by getting required skills that can make them productive. He stressed the need of promoting entrepreneurship among the youth for mastering dynamics of business world as the job market was not expanding at required speed to absorb the flood of new entrants.
He acknowledged the cooperation of the industry in running the affairs of the Council. Chairman said that the facilities available with the Council can be used by the professionals for arranging training courses of their fields. He added that the Council was in contact with international donor agencies to get short term experts for conducting courses within the country so that unskilled workers could get better training facilities at affordable cost.
In today’s competitive age, the quality and types of skills, required internationally are fast changing and highly skilled workers are preferred. Chairman added. Rastgar said that the government has planned to send at least 600,000 skilled works abroad annually. The training institutes in the country only produce 300,000 workers annually so there is dire need to expand the facilities at war footing, he said.
Daily Times
December 10, 2009
SDC prepares roadmap for 2010
ISLAMABAD: Chairman Skill Development Council (SDC), Imtiaz Rastgar on Wednesday said it has prepared a roadmap of activities for 2010. While inaugurating a training course, he said that the New Year activities would meet the special needs of the industry, students and housewives. Majority of the training courses were on IT as this sector has emerged as engine of economic development at global level, he said. The chairman said housewives could play a crucial role in the economic development of the country by getting required skills that could make them productive. STAFF REPORT
The News
December 10, 2009
SDC to hire foreign experts for worker training
By Israr Khan
ISLAMABAD: Skill Development Council Chairman Imtiaz Rastgar on Wednesday said the council was in contact with international donor agencies to seek their help in training un-skilled workers.
Inaugurating a training course, the SDC chairman pointed out that if the industry fully utilise existing facilities available with the council, the number of skilled workers could increase sizably.
The SDC was conducting about 100 courses annually and producing one thousand skilled workers for the domestic market. It also prepared a roadmap of its activities for 2010, he revealed.
Rastgar said the government planned to send at least 600,000 skilled workers abroad annually, adding training institutes in the country only produced 300,000 workers annually so there was a dire need to expand the facilities on war footing.
The council was in contact with international donor agencies to get short-term experts for conducting courses within the country so that unskilled workers could have better training facilities at an affordable cost. “In today’s competitive age, quality and type of skills required internationally are fast changing and highly skilled workers are preferred,” he said.
He added the SDC met special needs of the industry, students and housewives. A majority of training courses were on information technology as the sector had emerged as an engine of economic development at the global level.
The SDC chairman said housewives could play a crucial role in economic development by acquiring skills which could make them productive.
Rastgar stressed the need of promoting entrepreneurship among the youth for mastering the dynamics of business world as the job market was not expanding at the required pace to absorb the flood of new entrants. He said the facilities available with the council could be used by professionals for arranging training courses in their fields.
Business Recorder
November 28, 2009
The role of skill development in economic development
lmtiaz Rastgar
Strong skill development is the key to the economic well-being of any nation.
The world’s largest economies have flourished by developing and strengthening such industries which can give value added, high quality production and work with innovative technologies. Pakistan, on the other side has been relying on manufacturing and the export of low, value-added textile-based products. The result is a narrow export base with 63% contribution coming from textile products and becoming a ‘Cotton Economy’.
Feeling the shift in the world’s economic landscape, Pakistan has t0 create a strong export driven manufacturing base. The major focus should be on modernizing and strengthening the manufacturing sector of Pakistan in order to venture out and seek new markets, enter into technology partnership for adopting innovative technologies and creating competitiveness for global positioning. For achieving these goals, we have to formulate various sectoral policies and adopt tariff rationalization. We must have a complete industry invest framework and improve Custom General Order (CGO) by removing defects, discrepancies and anomalies. Apart from these, our focus should be on identification of star performers in the manufacturing sector, by profiling need assessment of various sectors, and their subsequent development for preparing them to become champion industries for going global. Alongside, our awareness programmes through seminars / workshops and conferences, should specifically be designed to apprise the manufacturing sector about the support offered, by way of different schemes, to promote export of products and services of the key activities being performed by the specialized public sector bodies.
In its endeavors to stimulate a proactive thinking among the manufacturing concerns, in response to globalization, we must organize Pakistan’s participation at a leading international specialized trade fairs for giving them exposure to compete with nations like China, Malaysia and Thailand. These nations are enjoying a competitive edge by having high-tech industrial activities, with higher production volumes, innovation and product diversification, enabling them to pave their way for integration into the global supply chain.
This will be just a beginning and we have a lug way to go to boost our manufacturing sector to make it the driving force for economic growth. The manufacturing sector must strive hard to drive business by achieving high value addition, adopting leading technologies, achieving economics of scale and venturing into new market. The task is enormous, but achievable, with the support of the government and manufacturing industry.
Skill Development can play a vital role in achieving the goals as it would lead to quality production, which ultimately will create global demand. Well trained and energetic manpower can reduce the cost of production. The SDC is playing its due role on generating skilled manpower for the industrial sector, with its assistance, on the basis of public-private cooperation. The facilities with SDC are available for the private sector on soft conditions. Now, it is up to the industries and professionals to use them at the optimum level.
The current state of the engineering industry is not satisfactory. It needs the attention of the government. The capabilities to add value to primary products must be enhanced so that we could move to the indigenous production of plants and machinery. The developed countries bad adopted this route for their economic development that is why engineering goods constitute a major portion of world trade, with a contribution of 60% of the total world exports. But the export of Pakistan is confined to conventional surgical instruments, cutlery, sports and other light engineering products; Pakistan still is far behind in exports of engineering goods, as compared to the newly industrialized countries like Korea and Malaysia. A fundamental requirement for it is to devise industry – friendly, short-term, as well as long term, policies with emphasis on skill development.
The writer is Chairman Skill Development Council, Islamabad.
Pakistan Observer
November 21, 2009
SDC training schedule
Staff Correspondent
ISLAMABAD: Skill Development Council has announced training schedule of next three months, here, Friday. According to details, 28 courses will be held during the months of December 2009 to February, 2010. Majo9rity of these are IT related. Other subjects covered are secretarial skills, office management techniques, professional photography, entrepreneurship, effective communication and exporting skills, in the current month, the Council has completed four courses on Graphic and Webpage designing, Project Planning, Web Development and entrepreneurship. These were attended by 24 participants including officials of prestigious public and private institutions such as PAF, Telenor, and European Commission in Pakistan. It may be recalled that Skill Development Council is working on public-private cooperation basis and generating its own funds.
Pakistan Observer
November 03, 2009
SDC can meet demand for Skilled Manpower
ISLAMABAD- Imtiaz Rastgar, Chairman, Skill Development Council has said by exploiting our skill resources to the optimum, we can meet the full demand of industry’ for skilled manpower, Which could boost our industrial production and foreign exchange earning as it will improve and increase our exports.
He was addressing the participants of a training course at the conclusion of the training here, Tuesday. He added that nations enjoy respect today because of advanced technology. Though skill development is not the panacea of all ills of Pakistan but it is must for the variable start of any industrial development strategy in this country, he said adding that we must give skill development its due share for materializing the dream of national advancement.
To carry forward the skills acquired in the training course, he suggested several follow-up courses to the participants. He assured fullest support in building their capacity by imparting new skills and knowledge sharing. He sensitized them towards prioritizing new skills in future programmes oft their lives. He appreciated the interactive and participatory techniques, including role-play and group work o ensure meaningful training.
The Daily News
August 26, 2009
SDC courses ends
Islamabad: Skill Development Council (SDC) has completed its two- month summer vacation programme with the conclusion of five courses in the current month.
The courses include Auto CAD, Primavera, M Office and net surfing, secretarial & office management, and high impact presentation skills, said a news release issued here Tuesday.
These courses attracted a good number of students, house wives, and mid career professionals. Special efforts were made to develop entrepreneurship skills of the participants, enabling them to start their own business, as the job market has limited opportunities currently on account of recession. — APP
The Business Recorder
August 26, 2009
SDC complets two month programme
ISLAMABAD: Skill Development Council has completed its two months summer vacation programme with the conclusion of five courses in the current month of AutoCAD, Primavera, MS Office and Net surfing secretarial & office Management, high impact presentation skills. These attracted a good number of students, house wives and mid career professionals. This was disclosed by a press release of SDC issued here on Tuesday. It said that special efforts were made to develop entrepreneurship skills of the participants so that they could start their own business as the job market has limited opportunities currently on account of recession.
It adds that three students from Bangladesh attended one of its courses as the Council has been geared up some of the finest and trained professionals.—PR
The Daily Times
August 11, 2009
SDC organise series of courses
ISLAMABAD: Skill Development Council has arranged nine courses on AutoCAD, secretarial skills, fiber optic and wireless Communication, Programmable Logical Controller (PLC) civil structural design and project planning. These were basically made for vacationing students and mid career professionals in order to develop entrepreneurship skills and laying the ground for expansion of employment opportunities. The SDC is geared up with some of the trained professional to meet the demands of students and professionals, said a statement Monday. APP
Business Recorder
August 12,2009
SDC unveils training programme on AutoCAD
Islamabad: Skill Development Council, Deputy Chairman, Muhammad Aslam Bhutta has unveiled a comprehensive training programme on AutoCAD here on Tuesday.
While inaugurating he said that this will introduce students to the processes tools and methodology of computer drafting with AutoCAD the world’s leading software for design and drafting. He underlined the acquisition of knowledge and skill for eliminating of poverty and unemployment from the country. This multipurpose class is intended for those who have little or no experience with AutoCAD.
During the course, students will acquire basic skills used for AutoCAD software and design techniques toward various applications.
Bhutta said if you love watching your work become a reality? Then design and shape the world around you with the powerful flexible features found in AutoCAD design and documentation software. It is important that more and more AutoCAD users are venturing out of their traditional and familiar two dimensional world to explore the possibilities of 3D space. Thanks to many software enhancements in this area, 3D is an increasingly useful and widespread tool. However, the leaps into three dimensions require some changes in thinking and drawing habits.
Out of seven participants three are from UET, Taxila and belong to Bangladesh one each from Oxford Brookes University. London, Pakistan Meteorological Department, Air University and Telenor Pakistan.
Referring to the programmes of the Council, Deputy Chairman said that it is focusing to maximize the potential of participants through the acquisition of knowledge and skill. It also provides extra ordinary on-target training and motivation of honesty quality, self respect, performance and integrity to all participants to prepare the nation to respond to the needs of the country—PR
July 07,2009
SDC courses
Skill Development Council (SDC) has started a special training programme for students and house wives in the ongoing summer vacations under which 12 different courses will be held in the current and following months.
The courses include Accounting Software, MS Project Planning & Control, Communication Skills & Personality Development, Programmable Logical Controller, Secretarial Skills & Office Management, AutoCAD, High Impact Presentation Skills, MS Office & Internet Surfing, and Still Photography — APP
Industrial Bulletin
July, 2009
Making the Most of Vacation Time
Skill Development Council Islamabad Unveils Summer Package
Skill Development Council, Islamabad has brought exciting new Training Programs for vacationing students and mid career professionals during this summer season. This will make the summer vacation for them more productive and enjoyable, while developing entrepreneurship skills among them and laying the ground for the spread of employment opportunities. Skill Development Council, Islamabad aim to sharpen the skills they already know, to develop them as skilled executives or entrepreneurs, and eventually earn a living which could help them finance their education and boost their family income.
Vacations are to enjoy, but some intelligent folks make use of their vacations in an intelligent way. They indulge themselves in summer training programs that not only allow them to see life from a different perspective but also gain some amount of practical experience as well. That’s when the role of Skill Development Council comes in. SDC specialized in providing summer training programs for ambitious students out there. That way, one can easily know the finer things about the workplace and get to learn about careers in a better way as well and the best part is that vacations are utilized in the most eminent way possible.
Skill Development Council is geared up with some of the finest and trained professionals as they offer summer trainings to students on various levels. In this way, students get the freedom to craft their future in the most apt manner.
Discounts: SDC Islamabad is offering a 10% discount on its all courses taking place at the premises of Council in July and August. These include its popular and important following training courses:
- Peachtree (Accounting Software)
- MS Project (Project Planning & Control)
- Communication Skills and Personality
- Programmable Logical Controller (PLC)
- Secretarial Skills and Office Management
- Auto CAD
- High Impact Presentation Skills
- MS Office and Internet Surfing
- Still Photography
- Primavera
This highly practical and intensive two months training program is the ideal training opportunity for Students, unemployed people and mid career professionals, who need a solid grounding in all the core skills that will help them get ahead.
These training programs are designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest tools, tactics, techniques and technologies by boosting knowledge and skills of those already in employment and those about to enter the market and take the students up to the level of working with their own projects and participants will not go empty handed as they will be awarded with a Certificate as well. So what are you waiting for? Just make the best out of your vacations by training yourself at Skill Development Council.
SOC Islamabad focus to maximize the potential of participants through the acquisition of knowledge and skill, it also provide extra ordinary on target training and motivation of honesty, quality, self respect, performance & integrity to all participants to prepare the nation to respond to the needs of the country.
Skill Development Council Islamabad is a quality training provider for Students and Professionals for continuous skill up gradation and to promote skills which help Pakistan to become globally competitive.
For more information on these and other courses or to take advantage of the 10% discount on the July-August training program, please visit the website:
June 24,2009
Skill development vital for economic prosperity
Skill Development Council Chairman Imtiaz Rastgar here on Wednesday underlined the importance of acquisition of knowledge and skill for elimination of poverty and unemployment from the country.
While inaugurating a course ‘Home IT Business’, he said that the course will pave the way for students, mid career professionals and unemployed people to start their own IT outsourcing business for world market at a low cost. He predicted that after completing it the participants will be able to address online business inquiries posted on various outsourcing portals. He noted with satisfaction the presence of female participants in the course and said that they will be able to start their ventures from their home and utilise their skill for economic betterment of their family remaining within social bound.
Referring to the programmes of the Council, he said that it was focusing to maximize the potential of participants through improving their skill and focusing on target training, motivation of honesty, quality, self respect, performance and integrity so that they could respond to the need of the country
Imtiaz Rastgar also gave a multimedia presentation on value addition society and skills for motivation of the participants. — APP
The Business Recorder
June 10, 2009
LAHORE: Skill Development Council, Ministry of Labour and Manpower is launching a new training programme titled as “Home IT Business” from June 20 in Islamabad.
Announcing the launch of Home IT Business Course, SDC said “it will empower individuals to start their own IT outsourcing business for world market at a very low cost. Participants shall be taught powerful tools for self-employment leading to flexible lifestyle for people who have what it takes to dump the 8-5 schedule.
It promised that this training programme will enable the individuals to start their venture from home in a very low cost. In a span of six months these trained individuals will be earning handsome money through their ventures.
SDC said after completing this course the IT graduates (fresh or experienced), students and professionals, could capture online business inquiries posted on various outsourcing portals. It encouraged women to join this programme, as this programme will enable them to start their ventures from their home and utilise their university education while remaining within social bounds.
Daily Times
June 10, 2009
SDC introduces new It Course
ISLAMABAD: Skill Development Council (SDC) has introduced a new training programme ‘Home IT Business’ Tuesday. The aim is to pave the way for students, mid career professionals and unemployed to start their own IT outsourcing business for world market at a low cost. A press release revealed the 16-hour training would start from June 20. Females especially housewives were encouraged to join as it would enable them to start their ventures from their home and utilise their specialization for economic betterment of the family. STAFF REPORT